Are you Sabotaging your Brain Health?

Are you Sabotaging your Brain Health?

Are you Sabotaging your Brain Health?

A healthy, simply morning routine is an excellent way to care for your brain health every single day. I’m sure you’re aware that a healthy brain is a valuable asset to your life!

In honor of World Mental Health day on October 10th, I’ve put together an easy to follow morning routine for you to implement whenever you can begin. This is something everyone should be able to do, it requires no fancy equipment and can be done anywhere.

Do you already have some sort of routine to take care of your mental health? Let me know the things you love to do, reply to me with your experience.

Let’s get into the nitty gritty of it…

Morning Sunlight in your Eyes

Did you know that getting morning sun rays in your eyes stops the release of melatonin in your brain, helping to regulate your circadian rhythm?

That is because the contrast between yellow and blue wavelengths of light is greatest in the morning when the sun is still low in the sky. Those wavelengths are what communicate with specific neurons in your retina to set your biological clock.

You can take measures to boost this scientific fact by making sure you get outside in the first half hour after you wake up.

Take a brief walk, or even just stand by an open window to bask in some direct sunlight (without staring at the sun directly of course).

This will help your eyes to receive that morning light and make sure your inner biological clock is regulated and healthy - a vital component of long-term brain vibrancy.

Move your Body

Physical activity is not just about weight loss and keeping supple, it’s important for your brain health too. Getting your exercise done in the morning is also one of the best times to do so, whether that’s a quick walk around the block with your dog, a class or a simple yoga routine.

Your brain will benefit from just 20 minutes a day, and moving your body regularly this way can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. You do need to be consistent if possible, so find something that is easy for you to incorporate into your day and stick with it!

Enjoy a Brain Boosting Breakfast

Whatever you nourish your body with, you nourish your brain with, so choose wisely. Make sure your day kicks off with something brain-boosting and healthy, such as foods rich in protein, healthy fats, and pre and probiotics.

The idea is to balance your blood sugar, while also providing your body and brain with the life-giving nutrients it needs to thrive.

Include recipes such as berries and oats, eggs and wholemeal bread, smoothies packed with fiber and variety, and sauteed green vegetables with tofu or egg scramble.

Sip on Coffee or Tea

Take it or leave it (and don’t over do it), but coffee actually has benefits for your brain. Scientific research shows that coffee consumption is linked to a reduction in risk for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and it’s all down to specific compounds that it contains. These compounds can protect the brain by blocking an accumulation of proteins that are linked to Alzheimer’s.

Green tea is an alternative choice for those who do not want to overdose on stronger caffeine, and it’s packed with brain-loving antioxidants.

Morning Meditation and Mindful Breathing

We all get stressed out from time to time but it seems now more than ever there is an epidemic of stress in our society. Stress, especially chronic stress, should not be overlooked. It plays a big role in the quality of your life and health, as well as the longevity and function of your brain and your risk for developing Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Of course it’s hard to imagine ever eliminating stress entirely, but there are ways to lessen its impact on our lives and stop it taking over our well-being.

If you enjoy things like meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises - these can be so helpful. Even just incorporating a quick 3-5 minute session of sitting quietly and connecting with an inner calm each morning can work wonders for your health on all levels.

Experiment with what works for you without feeling like you have to commit to some huge, time consuming routine.

Begin small with some stretching exercises or deep breaths and try to build up to longer each morning. The idea is really to look forward to this and enjoy it. That way it will be easier to build into your daily life.

The Takeaway

Making a healthy brain morning routine a non-negotiable part of your life can seem like nothing, but the results build up over time. It’s repetitions of the same tasks in the same ways that actually teach the brain new habits and patterns, carving new neural pathways.

Take care of your brain and you will reap the rewards!