Debunking 4 Commonly Believed Myths about Going Plant-Based
Debunking 4 Commonly Believed Myths about Going Plant-Based
First off, let’s just admit there is a lot of conflicting information in health circles that you might find overwhelming. If you want to get into a heated debate, just tell someone that a specific diet is superior to another!
So how do you sift through all the nutrition noise and find out what would be best for you?
Well, let’s begin by entering into the hot debate of vegan versus whole food, plant-based diet.

Here’s an easy perspective on this:
A whole food, plant-based diet is all about what it includes. So that would be basically focused on plants such as nuts, legumes, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and seeds. A plant-based diet avoids animal-derived foods.
Veganism is of course about excluding any animal products not just in diet but in all areas of life.
Diet is a very individual thing, but the problem with just using the word vegan is that you can eat a fairly unhealthy diet and still be vegan. You can eat a lot of processed foods like meat and cheese substitutes, candies etc. Of course, you might be a vegan and not do that at all!
The point is, using the term plant-based really encapsulates that this diet is based on whole foods from the earth that have been minimally processed.
Now let’s look at some of the top reasons people avoid going plant-based, and debunk the myths.
Myth 1: You won’t get enough protein from plants.
This is a big one! Everyone seems to be under the impression that you will immediately suffer from protein deficiency if you go plant-based. Well. It’s just not true. Like, at all!
Firstly, most people are consuming way too much protein than is healthy. Secondly, a complete protein is one that delivers all nine essential amino acids. Animal-based protein is NOT your only option.
All plant whole foods contain these nine essential amino acids.The only foods that do not supply all nine amino acids are processed foods such as white flour derived products.
So, as long as your diet is nutritionally varied, as a plant-based eater you are getting sufficient protein!

Myth 2: It’s too expensive.
If you focus on buying simple, whole foods you will definitely get better value for money nutritionally speaking.
Things like beans and lentils are much less pricey than meats, and they are bursting with protein, vitamins, and minerals. Consider buying in bulk to save.
Check out your local famer’s market or local grower and compare buying seasonally from them over supermarket goods. While often being more economical, it’s also a great way to support local farmers and get organic and locally grown produce that is much fresher as it has not traveled from who knows where in a truck on the way to the store!
Myth 3: Plant-Based Diets Are High in Carbs
Carbs are not your enemy! Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are high in complex carbs which is exactly what your human body needs for energy to work optimally.
Healthy plant-based carbs are literally life-giving. They are also rich in all the necessary minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and vitamins that you need, as well as being high in fiber and protein.
Consuming healthy fiber helps to slow the digestion of carbohydrates, which means you don’t experience that blood sugar rollercoaster of dips and spikes that is so damaging to your health.
Myth 4: You’re going to be hungry all the time.
Not true! Eating plants is not about only being allowed to munch on lettuce leaves as is so commonly believed. You can eat a hearty bowl of whole grain rice and beans or lentils, packed full of healthy carbs and fiber. You can eat veggie tacos, burritos, pastas, stir fries, soups, stews, curries..you name it!

What makes you feel full is really fiber, and there’s a lot of fiber in plant-based foods.
If you’re craving something with some fat, add avocado to your meal, or snack on some walnuts for the perfect blend of protein, fiber and healthy fat.
Have a berry smoothie with some almond butter, or make a brazil-nut shake with medjool dates and add super foods such as maca powder.
There is so much nutritional variety on a plant-based diet!
The Takeaway
If this is very new to you as a way of eating, for sure you might have to think a little more at first about what you are shopping for and how you are cooking. But guaranteed after a short time you will realize how easy it is to eat well, stay satisfied and most of all feeling amazing on a plant-based diet.
Why not begin with just 1-2 days a week all plant-based? Give it a try.