The 4 New Year’s Weight Loss Resolutions You Should Avoid!
The 4 New Year’s Weight Loss Resolutions You Should Avoid!
As 2025 gets going with gusto, many people are ready for it with the ambition and desire to set goals and meet targets. If that’s you, then rock on! But if you’re a little hesitant like I am, here’s one reason why that might be…
One problem I always had with the New Year is that it comes right in the middle of winter for us here in the Northern Hemisphere. Call me crazy (or lazy!) but something about frigid temperatures and gray skies just doesn’t jive with feeling energetic and ready to embark on a diet!
That’s not as weird as it may seem, in fact it’s actually grounded in some science. During the winter months, certain weight-loss resolutions are actually not all that great of an idea. Some even contradict our natural biological rhythms during the cold and dark season.
Let’s look at 4 very common weight-loss resolutions that can be challenging to follow this winter.
Early Morning Gym Sessions
Working out under artificial blue light in the morning is actually a big disruptor to your circadian rhythm and your hormones. Your body gets tricked into thinking it’s already the middle of the day which can cause a surge in cortisol levels.
Cortisol is a stress hormone which is naturally higher in the mornings as it helps us to get going and wake up. But if you add to that excessive exposure to indoor lighting plus strenuous activity - you will cause an unhealthy spike.
This increase can result in a surge of energy which is sadly followed by a crash later on that leaves you wiped out, plus can cause damaging spikes in your blood sugar levels.
Overall this is detrimental and can interfere with your metabolism and long-term energy levels.
Swap your workout to the middle of the day when your energy levels are naturally increasing, or just make sure you eat before your early morning session and go easy on the cardio.
Starting a Juice Cleanse
Juice cleanses are an amazing way to rest and detox your body, but during the winter months they can be challenging. Here’s why I’d leave your juice cleanse for the spring or summer…
During the winter months your body needs nourishing, nutrient dense foods that will provide you with sustained energy. Juicing is a wonderful tool in your detox-kit bag but they can lack the fiber and protein you need for nourishment in colder weather. During a proper cleanse you need to look after yourself as you detox, and winter can make this a lot harder, leaving you fatigued and more likely to catch a seasonal cold.
Opt instead for warming, whole seasonal foods like soups and root vegetables, and keep your immune system strong and your energy balanced. You can boost detoxification by choosing to drink herbal and green teas, taking saunas, and getting enough sleep.
Strenuous Workouts
It’s pretty common to want to kick of the New Year with some hard-core cardio to burn off any excess fat from the holidays etc, but go easy! Winter really is a time of rest and hibernation, our bodies naturally crave it.
We actually have lower energy reserves during colder months of the year, so engaging in that super intensive cardio workout can actually be detrimental and lead to burnout, in the long run actually preventing you from reaching your weight-loss and fitness goals!
Instead opt for more gentle forms of movement, such as yoga, swimming, walking, pilates, or slower paced weight lifting.
The idea is to align with the natural rhythms of your body and the season, which will keep you balanced, energized and help you sustain your goals.
A Smoothie for Breakfast
This is a great idea in spring or summer, but in colder months it’s actually better for your body to choose warm, nourishing meals that support your metabolism and digestion for long-lasting energy.
That doesn’t mean you can have a sweet pastry and a sugary coffee though! I’m talking about a protein rich meal with some added healthy fats to keep your blood sugar levels even and give you plenty of energy for the day. Think eggs, avocado, whole grains or warming porridge with nuts and seeds or warm berry compote.
Raw, cold foods on a cold winter’s morning can actually cause your digestion to slow down and create an imbalance in the body.
Choose what feels best for you intuitively, based on where you live and how you spend your mornings.
In Conclusion
Don’t just go along with the trends you read about that seem like the right way to do things! Your New Year’s resolutions are your own, and should always keep in mind the seasonal nuances of your own body based on where you live and the temperatures and sunlight you are experiencing.
Lean into an intuitive approach to weight-loss and fitness that is tailored to you, your energy levels and natural rhythms, and you will find a far more sustainable way of supporting your wellness and weight-loss journey throughout the entire year.
How are you setting yourself up for 2025? Comment and let me know!