Five Surprising and Actionable Weight Loss Tips

Five Surprising and Actionable Weight Loss Tips

Five Surprising and Actionable Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss does not have to be such an all-encompassing thing that takes over your life. Believe it or not, it’s possible to avoid all the no-carb, no-fat extreme diets, eat healthily until you feel full AND still lose weight. 

I hate it when I read about people who basically starve themselves and end up feeling miserable, when there is literally no need for that!

What’s the most extreme diet you have ever tried in an effort to lose weight? Let me know and share your story by replying to me. 

Listen folks, weight loss can be simple. I’ve got some super effective tips for you here that go beyond the eat less and move more variety. 

Read on to discover what they are!

  1. Start Small
    While it’s tempting to want big results fast, you are more likely to slip up if you try to embrace a whole new way of eating immediately. Some disciplined people are able to make massive shifts immediately, but most of us find that challenging.
    Beginning with small shifts can help changes to stick as you are not seeing yourself fail on a daily basis and you won’t decide to abandon the whole thing all together.
    Why not try starting small instead of making unrealistic demands of yourself.
    Start with swapping one meal a day for something healthier. Add a piece of fruit to your breakfast, swap out a processed baked good for scrambled eggs and wholemeal toast.
    Just go with one meal a day at first to get yourself into the rhythm of switching to a healthier way of eating. 

  2. Drink Water Before Meals

    Studies show that being well hydrated can really reduce your appetite. Drinking a glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal can stop you from overeating. 

    Water may also boost metabolism and aid digestion, as well as being incredibly essential for your overall health of course!

  3. Don’t Blacklist Food

    We are kind of simple when it comes to the forbidden and off-limits things in life. We end up craving what we cannot have. When you decide, right, no more chocolate! You will probably end up craving it more than ever, turning it into an obsession. 

    So what I propose is that you don’t let anything be off limits. Rather, you know that you can enjoy treats when you really want them, rather when they just happen to be in front of you. 

    The more you allow yourself to make healthy choices, the easier it is to eat the “off limits” stuff from time to time and not feel guilty about it.

  4. Sleep More and Manage Stress

    Sleep deprivation and high stress are linked to weight gain. That’s because they increase hunger hormones like ghrelin while reducing leptin - the hormone that makes you feel full. 

    Try to aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night and go to bed when you are tired. The worst thing we can do (and we’re all guilty of this) is to stay up scrolling on social media until we go past our tiredness. 

    Try to create a new evening routine that involves some quiet yoga stretches, or a warm lavender bath. Find stress-relief techniques that work for you.

  5. Practice Mindful Eating

    Slowing down and paying attention to your food — its taste, texture, and aroma — can prevent overeating. 

    Eating whatever is in front of you while distracted can lead to just shoving food in your mouth without thinking about it. When you are mindful and present, you are aware of when you are actually full and stop eating earlier. 

    Its also better for your digestion to eat slower, chew your food properly and be present. 

    Eating mindfully promotes a healthier relationship with food, reducing emotional or mindless eating habits.

In Conclusion 

These tips might sound simple and I understand if you don’t entirely believe they can help you lose weight - but you just gotta take my word for it!

These are easy to integrate into your life, they are sustainable, healthy, and will also benefit your well-being as well as your waist! 

Weight loss isn’t necessarily easy, but it’s also not meant to be an arduous journey of self-inflicted pain. 

Stay strong and motivated! You got this…